Thinking Content
A repository about strategic content creation.
GenAI: Copyright or Copywrong?
What do developing legal frameworks around the globe have to say about the thorny question of copyright and generative AI?
Scaling Research with Generative AI
Even with an artificial mind at your fingertips, there’s no shortcut to quality. Here’s how to leverage AI for research-driven content without cutting corners.
AI At Work: Generative AI and Commercial Writing
Where generative AI really shines is in meeting the need for speed. But the human writer and editor needs to stay firmly in the driver's seat.
How the Means of Writing Affects Work Flow
From conventional handwriting and pressing keys on a keyboard to employing speech-to-text programs, is there an optimal way to write?
Does ChatGPT Understand What It Writes?
ChatGPT is sophisticated at text generation. But does it understand what it writes and what might this mean for the technology?
Business Blog Ideas for Uncertain Times
Business blogging ideas can help your company navigate challenging times and confidently position your company for the future.
Why Writing is Thinking
Writing is more than communication: it’s a type of thinking. By writing more clearly, you can sharpen the ideas your writing expresses.
What Is The “Content” In “Content Marketing”?
Content is everywhere. But what is it? In this article we will explore what “content” means. This can give deeper insight into the nature of content marketing, and how it compares to related notions, such as advertising.
Thought Leadership and the Benefits Of Corporate Blogging
Corporate blogging remains a surefire way to promote your business and advance your thought leadership. Here are seven benefits of blogging regularly.
In-House vs. Agency for Editorial Content
You run an in-house agency for a brand. You understand the value of high-quality editorial content—magazine-style interviews, executive ghostwriting, e-books—for content marketing. But how well can your in-house team handle the work?
10 Ways That Humanities Advance Content Marketing
A humanities degree requires students to understand, synthesize, and creatively reflect upon a wide range of sources. By attending to the human element in writing, humanities graduates often have a knack for creating well-presented and impactful content.
Why Trust Is Key To Effective Marketing
Why is trust, or the absence of it, so powerful in marketing? Why do we trust one person or one brand, but not another? And what does this tell us about effective marketing?